Delivery policy
Expected delivery times
The majority of orders are delivered within 3-4 working days (providing goods are in stock).
Shipping Costs
Minimum carriage paid order is £400.00 (net) below this a £23.50 carriage and handling charge will be applied for a standard 3-4 day service.
Next Day Service is available if required and we ask you to please contact or Tel : 01924 403550
Shipping Methods
All goods are delivered by registered / approved courier service and are ADR trained where necessary.
Payment and tracking information
All payment and tracking details are provided direct from Head Office and receipts / invoices will be processed accordingly within the terms of our merchant providers.
Shipping restrictions (delivery range, international shipping, etc.)
All goods offered for sale via the website are for delivery across the whole of the UK mainland.
Outside of UK Mainland then please contact or Tel : 01924 403550 for assistance with your requirements.